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Author: Gary Catrambone

Mayor’s Update 2-15-21

Remember: No Ice is Safe Ice!

On February 13, Delran Township Council and I had the honor of being invited to watch the Delran Fire Department’s Annual Ice Rescue Training on Swedes Lake. 

While I am always proud of the impressive level of service they provide, seeing firsthand the training and skill involved was truly eye opening. With so many bodies of water in our Rivertown’s area, this is an incredibly important and difficult part of the job these men and women do in keeping us safe. In addition to plunging into freezing cold water, we also got an introductory lesson on the complex equipment & techniques employed during these challenging rescues. Delran EMS was also there, providing a warming tent, to assist and assess everyone who had actually been in the water. 

Additionally, I want to remind Delran residents that they can help DFD and Delran EMS help us, by avoiding the need for these types of rescues. Snowfall on top of a frozen body of water can falsely make it appear that it is safe for you or your pets to walk, fetch, or skate on the ice.

Ice strength depends upon uniform thickness, snow cover, changes in temperature, depth of the water under the ice, water flow (current), and water level. Schools of fish under the ice will also affect the integrity of the ice. Lakes and other outdoor bodies of water (such as Swedes Lake) are subject to fluctuations that make it too dangerous to take that risk!

I would like to thank The Delran Fire Department and Delran EMS for inviting us, and for their continued commitment to public safety. Congratulations on a successful training day! 

Delran’s Finest Deliver Snow Storm Baby

I would also like to acknowledge Delran Patrolman Keith Upton who, along with the help of Central Dispatch Operator Mark Boyd, responded to and provided assistance during a childbirth emergency call on February 2nd, during the snowstorm. 

Officer Upton, a 21-year veteran of the Delran Police Department arrived first to the scene at which point it became evident that there was no time to transport the expectant mother to a hospital.

Dispatcher Boyd, a 10-year veteran at Central Communications, was working the Emergency Medical Desk, and was able to talk our officer and the father through a safe and successful delivery at 10:04am, just TEN minutes after the initial 911 call!

What I can only imagine would be a stressful experience for any pregnant mother, was met with calm and composure, and I am told that mom and baby girl are doing great!

Patrolman Upton and Dispatcher Boyd were both honored by the Burlington County Commissioners during their virtual meeting on February 10th and will be receiving Certificates of Recognition from the county as well.

Congratulations on an outstanding job! Your dedication to the community is truly commendable! 



Gary Catrambone

Mayor’s Update 2-2-21

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of riding along with our Public Works Superintendent, Brian Mullen, as he plowed Delran’s streets during the storm. I have always been proud of the unparalleled service Delran Public Works provides, but seeing the snow removal process from their point of view offered a whole new perspective on the incredibly long hours, planning and safety protocols involved in keeping our streets clear for our residents.

I would like to commend all our Public Works employees on their diligence and dedication! I have heard from many of my fellow residents in the last two days during the storm, and I share their gratitude for a job well done!

I was able to take some video footage of the experience, and I look forward to sharing that with residents so that they better understand the difficult job our Delran Public Works has in keeping residents safe, and how we as residents can help them maintain their high level of service by knowing how to follow the Snow Ordinance.

Additionally, I was able to talk with Brian about our plans to help “demystify” all the other services Delran Public Works offers.  This week, I will be updating and posting even more information regarding all aspects of the Delran Public Works Department, to help our residents understand and utilize those services better.

Please check back for more updates on our website and Facebook pages. You can learn about how this saves the township real money and how that helps Council continue to keep taxes stable.

Gary Catrambone

Mayor’s Update 1-3-2021

Yesterday, it was my great honor and privilege to be sworn in as Delran’s Mayor. The day was made even more special by the presence of so many distinguished elected officials, including fellow Delran residents; Assemblyman Herb Conaway, MD and State Senator Troy Singleton. 

US Senator Cory Booker gave the oath to our new Council President Tyler Burrell, and Congressman Andy Kim joined us in person to show his support for Delran. 

We welcomed new Councilman Lynn Jeney to our team and we are thankful he chose to continue his decades long history of serving the Delran community. 

The meeting video will be available sometime Monday, 1/4/2021.

I am committed to building on the transparency of the last 12 years.  Very shortly, we will be even more proactive in communicating important and timely information.

Look for more improvements to our township website and new outreach programs for every age group.

I look forward to providing a weekly podcast starting later this month. If you have questions about how things work in Delran, feel free to email me at [email protected]

I am honored to be your Mayor, and eager to get to work. 

Until next time; wishing all my fellow residents a safe and prosperous 2021! 


Gary Catrambone
